Saturday, 14 April 2012

Ubuntu 12.04 on Lenovo x220

Ubuntu 12.04

There have been a lot of progress in Ubuntu! I got new Lenovo's Thinkpad X220 and immediately installed Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits. A short summary everything worked out of box, however, I did not tested fingerprint reader nor WiMax or mobile Broadband. The rest is smooth flow even with beta of Ubuntu. Boot time is really awesome, bringing the login screen 7s!

Thanks Canonical for Ubuntu! :)

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Export specific sub holder from svn on CentOS

Some time project grows in your repository and you may want to move it to separate repository or you want to share you work and open up repository from tight security. The reasons can be many but the process is the same.

(assuming root access, LATEST refers to the latest available version, procedure was tested on 0.5.8)

Install needed components
yum install subversion-devel httpd-devel
tar xvfz rsvndump-LATEST.tar.gz
cd rsvndump-LATEST
sudo make install

Exporting your project
With rsvndump you don't need to use filters to extract your subfolder within svn, it will do it for you just in one command
rsvndump -v -u username -p psw  https://ulr/svn/repos/to/subfolder > subfolder

Create svn repository
svnadmin create /path/to/svn/project

Allow Apache to read it
chown -R apache:apache symphony

Import it dumped file
svnadmin load --force-uuid /path/to/svn/project < subfolder

Enable web access in Apache
LoadModule dav_svn_module     modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module   modules/
<location svn="">
        DAV svn
        SVNParentPath /path/to/svn
        AuthzSVNAccessFile /path/to/svn-acl-conf
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Subversion repos"
        AuthUserFile /path/to/svn-auth-conf
        Require valid-user
        SVNIndexXSLT "https://url/svnindex.xsl"

Enable access in svn-acl-conf


Restart Apache
/etc/init.d/httpd restart

More info
The assumption in example is that all your repositories are in the /path/to/svn/ Then you can use only one conf file for Apache and control access to repositories :) and you are done!